From Your Moderator

    The holiday seasons are through, and plans are to get back into the swing of things quickly.  We are still planning to have our pastors’ and wife’s fellowship, usually for breakfast on the 1st Saturday of each month.  For February, we will meet on Friday, February 7 at 6:30 pm at Los Girasoles in Canton.  I believe we need time and fellowship together as pastors within our association.  Hymn Sings will start up in March so watch the association calendar for date and place.  And remember to check in on our website to find see any changes or any events coming up that might not have made this newsletter.
    So glad to hear we have a mission team that is vibrantly excited about missions!  They have some good plans coming up soon.  I pray that we support this direction, both with our prayers, finances, and participation.  Please be in prayer for the direction that the Lord would have us go in this area.
    We are looking for volunteers that would be willing to come together as a VBS Team to come along side of our churches as they schedule their events, to partner with them as they use this great evangelistic outreach of ministry to the kids. If you’re interested in becoming part of this, let me know right away.  And if your church is planning VBS and would like some helpers from the association, please get your dates to us as soon as possible.  We will put the dates on the calendar and work around this with our team.  
    We still have openings on some of our committees.  One that needs to be filled is the Nominating Committee, and we need 3 people.  I have asked a few people, but they have not gotten back with me.  If you would like to serve, please contact me ASAP.  And then the Annual Meeting Planning Committee is missing one person!  Please pray about serving in our association, as we need your help!

Barry Pfister, Interim Director of Missions / Moderator

Mt Salem-Wyaconda Southern Baptist Association
(O) 573-209-3064
(M) 660-734-2080
(H) 573-655-0172