From Your Moderator

We have just concluded our Annual Associational Meeting, and I must say it was one of the very best that I've ever been a part of.  The messages were tremendous, our guest speakers were spot on. But most of all, we welcomed a new church start to our association – Redeemer Baptist Church in Canton, Missouri.  We pray that they will continue to grow and prosper in many ways. They are a blessing to our association.

One of our speakers addressed the issue of how we communicate and the way we speak.  How often do we know what we want to say but fail to communicate it?  Or it is said in a way that will not be understand or will be misleading?  That is when we walk away thinking that we have failed, they will never understand, and they will never get the message!

Many of us feel that way when it comes to witnessing to someone about Jesus.  We say we don't know what to say or how to say it.  Or we’re afraid we might mess it up.  Or we wonder if they misunderstood us.  We make all kinds of excuses mostly because of our lack of assurance.  On the other hand, when something exciting happens in our life, we become overjoyed to tell others about the great event.  We don’t leave out any details, and our excitement becomes contagious.  That’s the kind of mindset we need to have when we start telling someone about Jesus!  Like – He’s the greatest person in my life!  Let me tell you how he has changed me to be a better person.  All you need to do is tell others what Jesus has done for you.  Your excitement will be your assurance, and that assurance will become contagious, then others will want what you have!  

Our Savior Jesus told us we don’t receive the things we want because we don’t ask for them.  And we don’t ask for them in the right way.  Just ask Him to lead you to someone and ask Him to start the conversation.  Then see what will happen!

We will soon be having a simple class on how to witness, so watch for more news!

Also, mark your calendars for September 16-19 for our Association Revival Week.  More information will be coming next week.  We will get the news out to all our churches!


Barry Pfister, Interim Director of Missions / Moderator

Mt Salem-Wyaconda Southern Baptist Association
(O) 573-209-3064
(M) 660-734-2080
(H) 573-655-0172